Giant condylomata are uncommon in developed countries; however, they are prevalent in developing nations. Condylomata acuminata are maximally transmitted by sexual contact. Giant condyloma acuminata, also called Buschke–Löwenstein tumor, is known to be a slow-growing cauliflower-like tumor, which is locally aggressive, with possible malignant transformation. Common management is conservative on medical lines. However, in extreme cases, surgical excision is required. A case of a 68-yearold nulliparous lady with giant condyloma acuminata is reviewed. She presented with a 3-year history of slowly progressive lesion on the vulva, with associated itching and another complaint of difficulty in walking. The growth measured 6 × 5 cm on left labia and was successfully excised with no evidence of malignancy. Concomitant reconstruction was also done.
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