Knowledge and Awareness of Cervical Cancer and its Prevention amongst Nursing Staff in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Bindiya Gupta, Vikas Lakha, Shalini Rajaram
Keywords :
Cervical cancer, Human papillomavirus, Pap smear, Postcoital bleeding
Citation Information :
Gupta B, Lakha V, Rajaram S. Knowledge and Awareness of Cervical Cancer and its Prevention amongst Nursing Staff in a Tertiary Care Hospital. J South Asian Feder Menopause Soc 2019; 7 (1):5-7.
Objective: To study the knowledge, attitude, and practices of nurses at a tertiary center regarding cervical cancer and preventive strategies.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional survey of cervical cancer screening awareness was conducted amongst 200 nurses at a tertiary care hospital in Delhi. A questionnaire was circulated after taking informed consent. The main factors studied included risk factors, sign and symptoms, screening, and prevention strategies.
Results: In the present study, 70% of the staff nurses were aware of one or more symptoms of cervical cancer. Sixty percent were aware of HPV as a causative organism and 70% were aware of one or more risk factors. An estimated 76% of respondents were aware of a Pap smear as screening method, but only 11% had a Pap smear ever. Majority of them did not know about visual-inspection screening techniques. Only 58.9% were aware of the availability of a vaccine; of them only 27% knew about the age of administration of the vaccine and 10% were aware of the vaccination schedule.
Conclusion: Knowledge of cancer cervix screening and vaccination was low among nursing staff. There is a need for periodic reorientation courses and integration of cervical cancer prevention issues in their existing curriculum.
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