Histopathological Evaluation of Endometrium in Perimenopausal Women with Fibroids
Peeyusha W Rajani, Annie Rajaratnam
Keywords :
Abnormal uterine bleeding, Endometrial thickness, Leiomyoma, Perimenopausal women
Citation Information :
Rajani PW, Rajaratnam A. Histopathological Evaluation of Endometrium in Perimenopausal Women with Fibroids. J South Asian Feder Menopause Soc 2018; 6 (2):88-90.
Background: Steroid hormones causes functional and structural changes in endometrium throughout each menstrual cycle. Uterine leiomyomas being dependent on steroid growth hormones for their growth and maintenance account for more than 75% of the benign tumors in females of childbearing age group. Formation of fibroids hence is a common response to this pathologic state. The aim of our study was to correlate endometrial histopathology in perimenopausal women with fibroids presenting as abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB-L).
Materials and methods: Fifty women of perimenopausal age, presenting with abnormal uterine bleeding, wherein the uterus revealed leiomyoma were studied. Endometrial thickness was measured using vaginal or pelvic ultrasonography. Endometrial biopsy was taken, and the samples were sent for histopathological examination. Ten asymptomatic normal women of similar age group were taken as controls.
Results: Uterine size was nonsignificantly increased in a peri-menopausal woman with fibroid. The average size of fibroid was 3.10 to 3.24 cm. Mean endometrial thickness with fibroid was significantly higher as compared to normal females of similar age group.
Conclusion: Presence of fibroid was associated with an increase in endometrial thickness in perimenopausal women, along with a small change in uterine size.
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